I Keep Swimming

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Pros and Cons of Training

There are a lot of news stories etc about people moving out of the SF Bay area.  There are many good reasons for leaving; go to a family friendly place or a cheaper city or a safer city or a less frenetic city.  But, there are always pros and cons for anything. We make big and small trade-offs all the time. Some might call them a compromise or finding the middle ground.  I do this a lot while trying to keep the bigger picture in mind. A run to the Golden Gate Bridge and back 2x isn’t going to change the world. But, it’s simply beautiful. It makes me forget all the imperfect stuff about the SF Bay area and remember how lucky I am to freely run with amazing views. Not all runs are this beautiful but they are beautiful in dozens of subtle ways. I wouldn’t say a hot, long slog up a steep hill in the east bay is beautiful but the vista at the top always is. I know that all the training will pay off and help me to do what I really value.  Using ultra events to help others. And, spend quality time with Dave.
